- Gain more autonomy in your projects by knowing the main materials, production processes and finishes used in industries;

- Know the main types of mood boards used and enrich your work even more;

- Understand why following a trend is not always the best way for a successful project;

- Understand your audience better and create a product capable of making it loyal;

- Know the stages of work of a CMF Designer.

Foto da instrutora que usa óculos e tem cabelos longos

Hi. I am Priscila Loschi, CMF Designer

I have experience in companies such as PSA Peugeot Citroën, Fiat Chrysler and Electrolux.

I will guide the students through the universe of Color Material and Finish Design, bringing theoretical knowledge based on the literature, but also the daily practice in a professional life with a global point of view of the Design process.